12. feb. 2015

Taka tvö

Ég lifi og hrærist í umhverfi þar sem allt gengur út á 'continuous improvement', stöðugar framfarir og að draga lærdóm af síðasta verkefni.  Það gaf því auga leið að eftir frumraunina, með öllum þeim mistökum sem ég gerði, þá var ekkert annað í stöðunni en að leggja í töku tvö.  Ætli ég sé ekki svona þrisvar sinnum fljótari núna, er með munstrið í puttunum og kollinum.  Þessi peysa verður í ljósum lit úr garni sem er ullarblanda og hún á að vera aðeins síðari en ekki síðri en sú fyrsta.  

Vika 1.

10. feb. 2015

I'm a runner

The date is May 7th 2002.  I sneak out at the crack of dawn and run/walk a 2k route around my neighborhood, my first run... ever.   A colleague of mine had somehow, with her supernatural powers, managed to convince me that even I could run.  I was thirty years old, had never done any kind of sports, been overweight all my life, smoked two packs a day for years and to put it simple, really excelled at self destruction in any way shape or form...

When I got back home I wrote down the distance and the time in a little notebook, as she had suggested.  The next day I did it again and the day after that.  A few days later I ran a little further.  I got huge blisters on the insoles of both my feet and after two weeks of running in my old trainers, I bought my very first pair of running shoes.  Another round of blisters and a couple of weeks later after inserting new orthotics, I went through round three, the final round.  I had heard somewhere that if you kept at it for six weeks you would become a runner and that was something I really wanted.  I didn't question it,  I never looked back and I never considered quitting.

I remember when I bought my first pair of running tights and I was too embarrassed to wear them.  I stuffed them in the back of my closet.  A few weeks later I visited my brother in the country and tried them out where no one knew me.  I still have them. 

I will never forget my first race.  My goal was to run a sub 60 minute 10k, which I did, the time 54:39.  Later that year I ran a sub 50 (48:46).  In the final stretch a girl passed me and beat me by 2 seconds.  I still remember the feeling and I wowed I would NEVER let it happen again.  A week later I placed second in a race and experienced my first time on the podium.  I didn't touch the ground for days.  Once you have had a taste of the podium it is irresistible.

I have participated in 272 races, running, cycling, bi- and  triathlons and raced my way to the podium in most of them.  I have been the national champion in 5000 m, 10 km road racing, cross-country running, in an ultra marathon 55k, bicycle road racing and set a new national record in half Iron man triathlon distance.   I have run three marathons, the last one on my birthday in 2008 where I ran a PB 3:09 and placed 5th on the all time Icelandic female marathon top finisher list.  Winning the Laugavegur Ultra 55k that same year is probably my sweetest victory to date.  I‘m very fortunate to be married to a runner, who understands what it‘s all about.

In the last twelve and a half years I have run 26.517 km or approximately 70% of the Earths circumference (38.600 km :) and I plan to complete the distance before I‘m fifty.  Then I‘ll start round two.   I have had some injuries, none that were serious.  I was diagnosed with a herniated spinal disc a few years ago, running helps me keep it in check so it doesn't affect my quality of life.  I have run my way through 6 pregnancies, four miscarriages, two full term and given birth to two amazing human beings in record time.  Today I am 43 years old and weigh exactly forty kilos less than twenty years ago.

Running has taught me that you reap what you sow and that is a valuable lesson.  Through running I have met the people I admire the most in life and the least.  It‘s good to be able to recognize both.  I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for running and I like the person I see in the mirror every morning and I make sure I care for her. 

Who am I?  I‘m a daughter, sister, mother, wife, friend, acquaintance, good, bad, naughty, funny, a winner and so much more.

And yes, I‘m a runner.  

1. feb. 2015

Mission accomplished

Já það tókst um miðjan síðasta mánuð að klára verkið!   Peysan er æðisleg, hlý og góð.  Hélt reyndar að ég hefði klúðrað þessu algjörlega þegar ég ætlaði aðeins að setja hana í skol og leggja til, áttaði mig ekki á að skol prógrammið á velinni minni með ofurþeytivindu í lokin...   Var ekkert sérstaklega kát þegar ég tók hana úr vélinni og sá að hún hafði skroppið ansi mikið saman og þéttst.  En þegar hún þornaði, þremur dögum síðar, var hún bara akkúrat passleg.  Hjúkkit.  Nokkrar myndir af dýrðinni, gjörið svo vel.  Og já ég byrjuð á annarri, hún verður 'off white' og ég verð örugglega helmingi fljótari, búin að gera öll mistökin og læra af þeim.  Tatahh...